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Low cpc for AdSense is caused by two different factors

Have you ever been seeing 0.01 as your cpc?

First of all what is cpc for a good understanding will bring a cautious approach to increasing it. CPC simply defined is Cost per click.

Low cpc for AdSense is caused by two different factors
Low cpc for AdSense is caused by two different factors

Cost per click generally determines how you make your income for one who is a publisher especially an AdSense publisher. High cpc means increase in your turnout then low cpc means you only suffer for nothing and by this you will even hate your publishing career.

When you are monetizing your works with no good earnings it simply means you are doing it wrongly.

Most times folks run into low cpc just by their own mistakes.

How to solve low cpc

  1. Start using high paying keywords
  2. Make sure you write and engaging blog post
  3. Let your post be something that can solve a problem
  4. Limit the number of ads on your page
  5. Test ad position on your site to see what and where works for you

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